Way back in 1990/1991, one game really captured my imagination. Powermonger by Bullfrog. I was fascinated with what appeared to be a living breathing world – and that world looked like a gaming tabletop. As I was big into Dungeons and Dragons and various other tabletop games at the time, it really spoke to me.
I always wondered ‘how?’. This may have solidified my interest in programming. Although I didn’t learn programming until many years later.
In the last couple of years, as I’ve decided to learn how to program the Amiga, I still had that nagging feeling of ‘how?’ Now I know a little bit about Amiga hardware and programming. I had an idea.
Area Fill Mode using the Blitter. I was delving deep into the Amiga Hardware Reference Manual at the time. So, I began. First attempts were very clumsy and not creating the right results. That’s when I said “bugger it. I’m just going to use the graphics.library.” They have all these functions already made. I’m not going to reinvent the wheel. I just wanted to test my theory, with instant results.
Note: At this stage I'm not discussing how to set up VSCode and the Amiga Extension. I will cover that. Also, the following will not discuss the boilerplate code that's required to set up your View and ViewPorts and RastPorts. I will cover it.
First thing I did was take a screenshot of the game running with no terrain to get in the way. I then drew lines over the image to show a grid. I could then find the screen position of all the points where the lines intersect.
With this point data, I know where to position my polygons. (triangles).
Below is the list of points in a 9x9 array. The struct Point is an amiga.graphics struct provided in gfx.h
typedef struct tPoint
} Point;
Point points[9][9] =
{Point{96,107}, Point{115,105}, Point{133,102}, Point{150,100}, Point{167,98}, Point{182,96}, Point{198,94}, Point{213,92}, Point{225,90}},
{Point{98,113}, Point{118,110}, Point{137,108}, Point{154,106}, Point{172,103}, Point{188,101}, Point{204,99}, Point{220,97}, Point{232,95}},
{Point{100,121}, Point{121,117}, Point{141,114}, Point{160,112}, Point{179,109}, Point{194,106}, Point{211,104}, Point{227,101}, Point{239,99}},
{Point{103,129}, Point{125,125}, Point{146,122}, Point{165,119}, Point{184,116}, Point{202,113}, Point{219,110}, Point{236,107}, Point{249,105}},
{Point{106,139}, Point{129,134}, Point{151,130}, Point{172,127}, Point{192,123}, Point{210,120}, Point{229,117}, Point{246,114}, Point{260,111}},
{Point{109,148}, Point{134,143}, Point{157,139}, Point{178,135}, Point{200,131}, Point{220,128}, Point{238,125}, Point{257,121}, Point{272,119}},
{Point{112,160}, Point{139,155}, Point{164,150}, Point{186,145}, Point{210,141}, Point{230,137}, Point{250,133}, Point{269,130}, Point{285,127}},
{Point{117,174}, Point{146,168}, Point{172,162}, Point{196,157}, Point{221,152}, Point{242,148}, Point{264,143}, Point{283,139}, Point{299,136}},
{Point{122,191}, Point{153,184}, Point{181,177}, Point{208,171}, Point{234,165}, Point{256,160}, Point{279,154}, Point{300,150}, Point{317,146}}
How does one indicate height? Simple. Just minus a value from the .y coordinate of the point.
And below is the heightmap that you can use to modify the heights
WORD height[9][9] =
So, I’m just elevating the top left corner by 5 pixels.
Below you can see the result with just a wireframe
To assist with the drawing routine, I created a Polygon class – which just contains 3 points. The 3 points of a triangle. It could have quite easily have been created as a struct. And I’ve done away with OOP paradigms for the moment (getter/setters).
class Polygon
Point p3;
Polygon(Point _p1,Point _p2, Point _p3)
: p1(_p1), p2(_p2), p3(_p3)
So you can create a Polygon like
Point p1 = points[0][0];
Point p2 = points[1][0];
Point p3 = points[1][1];
Polygon polygon = Polygon(p1, p2, p3);
You can apply the height by modifying the .y value of the point
p1.y -= height[0][0];
Polygon can be sent to a Drawing routine as below
void DrawFilledPolygon(Polygon*poly)
AreaMove(RastPort, poly->p1.x, poly->p1.y);
AreaDraw(RastPort, poly->p2.x, poly->p2.y);
AreaDraw(RastPort, poly->p3.x, poly->p3.y);
AreaMove AreaDraw& AreaEnd are all graphics.library routines.
That’s pretty much the basics of it. Next I’ll delve deeper into the full code. Including how I’ve set up the View, ViewPort and RastPort.